Oshun, Fine Sweets
Ajeum Collection, volume 1
In "Oshum: Fine Sweets and Pastries" chefs Carlos Ribeiro, Ieda de Matos, Ana Célia and Bel Coelho brings 21 recipes specially created to honor the African goddess of beauty, love and fertility!
In "Oshum: Fine Sweets and Pastries" chefs Carlos Ribeiro, Ieda de Matos, Ana Célia and Bel Coelho brings 21 recipes specially created to honor the African goddess of beauty, love and fertility!
"Oshun: Fine Sweets and Pastries" is the debut book of the "Ajeum Collection" - a series of books with theme recipes inspired by the deities of Candomblé.
Organized by Chef Carlos Ribeiro, author of "Sacred Food to be Eaten, and signed by him and the invited guests Ieda de Matos, Ana Célia and Bel Coelho, the collection portrays typical Brazilian dishes inspired by the favorite ingredients of Oshun (sweets and eggs), Yemaya (poultry and fish), Ibeji (children's sweet and savory) and Iansã (peppers, red meat and palm oil).
In this first volume, "Oshun: Fine Sweets and Pastries", the chefs brings 21 recipes with lots of eggs and sweetness to honor the African goddess of beauty, love and fertility: 17 of them are authored by Chef Carlos Ribeiro, accompanied by others two recipes from each Chef invited.
The holy banquet is at the table, serve yourself at will!
1st edition, 96 pages full color, paperback
ISBN: 9788590624035
Language: portuguese
Dimensions: 7.5" x 7.5"
Publisher: Arole Cultural
Author: Chef Carlos Ribeiro
Contribution: Ieda de Matos, Ana Célia e Bel Coelho
Photography: Cristiano Lopes
Comunicador social por formação e chef de cozinha por amor e profissão, Carlos Ribeiro é o responsável pelo Na Cozinha Restaurante. Doutorando na USP em Estudos Latinos Americanos, onde também é Mestre em Estudos Latinos Americanos, lecionou nas Universidades Federal da Paraíba, FAAP, Anhembi Morumbi, Uninove, Centro Universitário Belas Artes, entre outras.
Também é autor dos livros “Culinária Japonesa para Brasileiros”, “Comida é Arte”, “Historia da Gastronomia, Panificação, Confeitaria, Cozinha Contemporânea”, “Estruturas e Funcionamento das Cozinhas de Bares, Hotéis e Restaurantes”, além de colaborador nos livros “Café” e “100 anos de Vinicius”.
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